七夕会2009年 Tanabata Kai 2009

A special one-day event at NILS Japanese Language School, where students spend the day in various workshops learning about Japanese culture. We participated in 書道 (Calligraphy) and 茶道 (Tea Ceremony).
I love 抹茶 but the boy who volunteered to make it for me used way too much powder. It formed a thick paste that collected at the bottom of the bowl, and I had no choice but to drink it. Haha.
I like making these videos not only because it raises awareness about the school I go to, but also because it helps give a clear idea about the kind of experience one can have by attending language school.
A student visa is very easily obtained, as long as you are enrolled in school, and with the visa you are able to work part time. It’s a great option for people who want to live in Japan, but have never visited before, or have concerns about their language abilities.
Next month marks my 4th year in Japan 😉
Please watch: “How To Make Japanese Nabe | カレー鍋を作ってみた”
