[英語] Helpmefindparents, EricSurf6, TheJapanChannelDCom & Free Stuff!

今年のYouTube Video Awards Japanで自分の動画がノミネートされましたの。よかったら、ハウツー•ブログのところで探して、拍手してください。お願いします! http://www.youtube.com/VideoAwardsJP2010 頼むよ! この動画は海外の方のために作られたので字幕はそんなに付いてません申し訳ございません!
Please look for our videos on the Youtube Japan Video Awards Homepage! http://www.youtube.com/VideoAwardsJP2010 Click the applause button (the one that’s gold and says GOOD!) to cast your vote.
As for the contest, entries are accepted on my facebook page, on twitter, or as a video response to this video. Please take a screenshot if you are unable to take a video! Good luck! Let’s have fun!
Please watch: “How To Make Japanese Nabe | カレー鍋を作ってみた”
